Although every single wedding is special for us, this wedding is SO special — it will be hard to put in to words.
My son Dale has the world’s greatest teacher. Seriously, imagine the smartest, sweetest, and most caring teacher in the world… the best teacher. That is Janelle. My son Dale has the world’s greatest big brother (from the volunteer agency Big Brothers and Big Sisters); imagine the coolest, nicest, most dedicated, down to earth big brother. That is Kerry.
Kerry and Dale were matched years ago, about one year before I met Nathan. Times were very different then; I was a single mother starting a business — I honestly remember telling Kerry about the small successes as the business grew, and he mentioned that Janelle (his new girlfriend) LOVED wedding photography. At that moment I said to myself, If they ever get married, I am going to shoot the shit out of that wedding… as a thank you for everything he was doing for Dale. His friendship gave Dale a role model before we had Nathan. Dale watched and learned from Kerry and always said he wanted to do what Kerry would do.
Fast forward several years and we moved to Lake Bonavista; Dale ended up in Janelle’s grade 6 classroom. This is where I met the most lovely, kind, quirky, BEAUTIFUL woman — a perfect match for Kerry. I fell in love with Janelle — because if you know her, you will fall in love.
Our whole life is photography, nearly every waking moment… so it is the best thank you I can give… It is better than words!
PS. The photo booth photos will be posted to our facebook wall tonight here is the LINK