Together they are two very lovely people: humble, dedicated, spiritual, loving, kind, and sweetly in love. We felt at home with them because of their openness, non-judgmental attitudes and generous laughter. I came away from this wedding learning so much about them both and their beautiful community of family and friends. I want to thank everyone for being so welcoming. Many guests took time to explain small customs to us, and fed us again and again. Saying it was an honor to be welcomed into the traditions, homes, and community would not truly express my gratitude. Saying I was frequently brought to tears by all the love and emotion that surrounded us would not adequately put into words what an incredible experience this was. Thank you.
The wedding started at 4am. This means we were up at 2am and both our stomachs were twisting the whole way there; although Nathan only admitted this to me later because he is always the one to say, “everything will be ok”. Nerves are good for art, but they didn’t last long. The temple is a warm and wonderful place; the three hour ceremony that followed went by quickly, and experiencing the sun rise and shine through the windows was a magical moment in our photo-careers. After some portrait time Anuraj needed to get by Amarpreet’s bridesmaids. And then my very favourite moment of the wedding, the Dholi, where Amarpreet actually moves out of her parents home and in with Anuraj and his family. This was incredibly moving as one chapter is closed and another opens.
I hope everyone enjoys the photos, and the link to the photo-booth pictures is right here, you can hover on the large photo and download it by clicking the small file folder.